What is incontinence?

Urinary incontinence is defined as the involuntary leakage of urine. There are three different types of urinary incontinence:

  • Stress incontinence is when there is exerted pressure on the bladder causing leakage. This can be caused by coughing, laughing, sneezing, or exercising
  • Urge incontinence is the sudden, intense urge to urinate frequently
  • Mixed incontinence is a combination of both stress and urge incontinence
  • Overflow incontinence is when your bladder does not completely empty when you urinate. Small amounts of urine will then leak out often without any warning or feeling of the need to urinate. This can be caused by nerve damage or an obstruction.
  • Transient incontinence is more of a temporary type of urinary incontinence caused by a medical condition of infection. Once the condition is managed or the infection treated, then the incontinence will be cured. Transient incontinence can be triggered by urinary tract infections, medication, medical impairment, restricted mobility or severe constripation.

How many treatment sessions will I need?

We understand that every patient is unique. Your exact treatment plan will be tailored to your needs.

For optimum results, most people need a course of six sessions. While some patients may see significant improvement after six sessions, others may require up to eight sessions for the desired outcome. It will all depend on age and severity of your condition.


The sessions are scheduled twice a week, 48 hours apart, over a period of three weeks. Each Emsella treatment session typically lasts approximately 30 minutes. 

How quickly will I see the results?

Most people see and feel results after just two or three treatment sessions. Mild signs and sensations may be noticeable after your first session, but it will take several sessions before you begin to observe the full effect on your symptoms. 

Results vary based on your unique health condition.

How long do the results of the EMSELLA treatment last? 

How long the effects of your treatment last depend on the severity of your symptoms at the start. Most people will notice a positive effect on symptoms for up to one year or longer, depending on the overall condition of your pelvic floor. Other lifestyle changes can also help promote longer-lasting results.

What does the procedure feel like? 

Treatment sessions are 28 minutes long, and the procedure is not at all painful. You can either bring a friend or family member along to chat to during the treatment or read a book or magazine if you would prefer.


During treatment, some patients feel the tensing and relaxing of the pelvic floor muscles which has been described as a similar feeling to doing Kegel exercises.

Is the EMSELLA treatment better than Kegel exercises? 

Better results can be achieved faster due to the intensity and coverage that can be attained using EMSELLA chair:

  • The EMSELLA chair stimulates powerful contractions of the entire pelvic floor musculature. Not just the subset that can be exercised with Kegel exercises.
  • Each 28 - minute session in the chair is equivalent to doing 11000 pelvic floor exercises.

How the Emsella chair works? 

What are the costs?

The cost of a single Emsella session is $300, with a discounted offer of $1500 for 6 sessions treatment and $1900 for 8 sessions treatment.


Don't hesitate to reach out, we are here to help and work with you a solution that fits your personal needs and situation.

iWellness offers personalised care for unique needs.

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Give us a call at 021 540 698 to discuss your needs and discover how our exclusive specials can benefit you.


All prices are GST inclusive. Credit cards are accepted, however a 1.5% syrcharge applies.